How Will Technology Shape Our Lives In The Next Decade?

Technological advancement

Have you ever thought about how technology has accelerated our daily lives? Technology has evolved exponentially in the last two decades, and no industries, like construction, Health care, transportation, etc., have evolved this much. And at this growth rate, technology will be a crucial factor in the evolution of human civilization. Thus, here are some top technologies that can help in shaping our future.

1] Artificial Intelligence (AI)

When we hear the term AI, we think of some popular things like Self-driving cars, voice Assistance, and Generative AI like ChatGPT and Google Bard, But AI has many more capabilities, which are given below.

Types of AI

  1. Narrow AI – Also known as weak AI, commonly used to perform one particular task.
  2. General AI – Artificial General Intelligence is trained with large amounts of data to behave like humans and do intellectual tasks.
  3. Super AI – Artificial superintelligent is a type of AI that can have its own consciousness, solve complex math problems, and have advanced reasoning capabilities.

Today, we have developed strong AI like chatGPT, which can understand our general questions and is trained enough to answer like humans. But still, it’s not capable of beating humans. However, the growth of AI is exponential. 

With this speed, computer scientists have predicted that within in this decade, we will be able to achieve the development of fully capable, strong, generative AI that can have reasoning capabilities. And who knows, after a few years, humans can also develop Super AI, which will have their own consciousness and common sense. Can we develop AI with their common sense?

2] Blockchain

As the name suggests, it is a chain of digital Blocks that form a ledger, distributed in many nodes connected to the network, and every node has a copy of the ledger. A block has information about digital assets, and hashing is done to generate the block. 

Hashing makes the block immutable, and if the block is changed forcefully, then the whole chain will be affected since each node is connected with its adjacent nodes and has a sequential hash code. And the person who tries to change the block will also get caught. You must have heard about cryptocurrency, which is developed on top of blockchain technology. In the future, blockchain will help us develop more efficient banking systems, voting systems, etc.

3] AR (Augmented Reality)

You must have heard about Apple Vision Pro. This device is used for experiencing Augmented Reality, which means Reality, which is connected with the digital world it’s a mixture of computer-generated vision mixed with our real-world vision. In the coming 3 to 4 years, we will have lightweight goggles that will have the full features of a smartphone and will be able to map routes in our goggles.

4] VR (Virtual Reality)

VR (Virtual Reality) is a concept used in a reality that is entirely computer generated one of the devices used to experience virtual reality is Facebook’s Meta Quest. Meta Quest was developed around the concept called Metaverse during COVID-19  this metaverse concept created so much hype just because we can experience a whole new virtual world in Metaverse using avatars.

We can meet people inside Metaverse and do things like business meetings, play games, and explore places we have never been to; big software companies like Facebook are doing really great work, and in the future, we all will be using VR, which will just be like our real world.

5] Cloud Computing

Cloud computing does not mean that a computer is in the cloud. Cloud computing is a term used when we use the computing power of a computer that is not placed in our homes or offices. These computers are generally owned by big companies like Microsoft, Amazon, and Google, and they provide us with computing power for their servers through the Internet. 

Their service, named Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, and Google Cloud, which have compelling computers, helps us with heavy games on our low-end PC. We can build scalable business applications without having high-end servers.

6] Quantum Computing

Quantum Computers are still in the development phase. Companies like Google and IBM are working on it, and on the Current date, they have developed a quantum computer that can calculate the problem 10 times faster than the world’s giant supercomputer. 

Quantum Computer uses qubits instead of bits (0 and 1), which is used in classical computers, and the near future, it’s possible that we will develop a quantum computer that will be 100 times faster than present Super Computer and able to calculate extensive data of stars and galaxies.

Final Verdict

Evolution is part of human civilization, and Technology will mostly influence this Century This is why we say this is a technological Era. Computers will get more competent and possibly smarter than humans, and computers will be able to do all the work humans can do, but humans will still have work to do. If computers get smarter and friendlier, this will make work easier and will help us do our jobs more efficiently, so we should learn and update ourselves as technology improves.

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